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Welcoming Harhubnas 2023, Sentani Airport Employees and the Community Together Clean the Airport Apron.

08 Sep 2023

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As many as 100 people combed the ramp area and air side of Sentani International Airport, Friday (8/9).
Sentani Airport Management together with all stakeholders carry out Foreign Object Debris (FOD) or cleaning up rubbish in the airside area to raise awareness of aviation safety and comfort for aviation service users. This FOD activity is an activity to welcome Harhubnas (National Transportation Day) 2023.

The activity was carried out from 15.30 WIT starting from the main gate at Sentani Airport and then walking towards the Cargo Terminal. A number of related parties were involved in this action, including airport officials, a number of Airnav employees, the Jayapura Regency Transportation Service, airlines and ground handling officers.

Awareness to maintain safety and comfort must be instilled in each person at the airport. Efforts to increase awareness continue to be promoted in order to achieve safety and comfort. ”Cleanliness must become a culture. If you see rubbish or foreign objects on the apron, immediately pick them up. Said Surya Eka Stakeholder Relations at Sentani Airport

FOD is a foreign object/debris/debris/hazardous material in the runway and apron area which has the potential to pose a danger to the safety and operation of the aircraft.

PT Angkasa Pura I Sentani Airport routinely carries out FOD inspections before operating hours and after operating hours. However, sometimes there are still things that are missed. "Maybe some of it was blown away by the wind and so on. "We need cooperation from all parties at the airport to maintain cleanliness," Surya added

This activity is a form of campaign regarding aviation safety. Namely, a form of preventing aircraft accident incidents on the air side and ramp area and in order to welcome Harhubnas 2023 which is commemorated on September 17 every year. Apart from cleaning different FOD at the Sentani Airport airside location, this activity also cleaned the Sentani Airport parking area and the Sentani Airport Cargo Terminal, said Surya.