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Sentani-Jayapura Airport Opens Command Post for Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024

18 Dec 2023

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In accordance with instructions from the Ministry of Transportation Number IR 4 of 2023, Sentani Airport - Jayapura will open a post for Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 for 16 (sixteen) days, starting tomorrow Tuesday (19/12) until January 3 2023. The Christmas and New Year Command Post involves cross-agency involvement, such as the TNI, Polri, Region X Airport Authority, Perum LPPNPI, BMKG, Airlines Leaders; Ground Handling and CIQ and Basarnas representatives For flight traffic predictions at Sentani International Airport during the Christmas and New Year post period, it is estimated that passengers will increase by 5% to 106,234 passengers compared to last year's period of 101,223 passengers. "Flight movements are estimated to increase by 9%, namely 2,797 aircraft compared to last year's period of 2,564 aircraft and cargo is estimated to increase by 19%, namely 7,655,423 kg compared to last year's period of 6,444,131 kg," said Sentani Airport GM Erik Susanto. It is said that the peak density of departures is predicted to occur on the 3rd day of Christmas, namely on Friday (22/12/2023), which is estimated to reach 7,499 passengers. Meanwhile, the peak return flow is estimated to occur on H+4, namely on Friday (29/12/2023) with an estimated number of passengers at 6,130 passengers. "Movement data reporting activities will be updated every day and can be monitored directly at the integrated transportation post," added Sentani Airport GM Erik Susanto. "All Sentani Airport stakeholders are expected to work together well, solidly and maintain mutual coordination and communication so that operational activities during the post can run well and minimize incidents," said Erik.