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PT Angkasa Pura I Sentani Airport Distributes Aid for Repairing Houses of Worship to the Evangelical Church (GPI) Sentani Jayapura

28 Aug 2023

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PT Angkasa Pura I Sentani Airport implements the Social Responsibility (TJSL) program, namely by providing Assistance for Repairing Houses of Worship to the Sentani Jayapura Evangelical Church (GPI) Wednesday, 08/23/2023.

The assistance was in the form of repairing drains and ceiling repairs in houses of worship, with a grant of Rp. 17,000,000.

Sentani Airport Stakeholder Relations Manager Surya Eka said that Angkasa Pura I will continue to be committed to carrying out TJSL activities as a form of solidarity and social care.

We hope that the renovation of this house of worship can help the congregation of the Sentani Evangelical Church (GPI) become a more comfortable place to worship," said Sentani Airport Stakeholder Relations Manager Surya Eka.

Surya added that the House of Worship Repair assistance program is part of the 4 pillars of BUMN TJSL, especially the Social Pillar. In addition to the social pillars, SOE TJSL also carries out economic pillars, environmental pillars, and governance legal pillars

We hope that this assistance can help service activities in the church and bring comfort to the environment around the church, as well as being a real manifestation of the state's presence in social responsibility and environmental development.
I, on behalf of the Church of the Holy Path of the Evangelization of the Congregation of Hermon Sentani, would like to express my deepest gratitude for the initiative of the heart idea from the Angkasa Pura Leadership, Life is sowing, so what we sow is what we will reap one day," said Rev. Apollos Mambiyau

I think this is a good policy from PT Angkasa Pura I to provide assistance to us the Congregation of Hermon Sentani. Once again I thank the leadership and friends of PT Angkasa Pura I," he continued.