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Closing of Service Posts for Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 at Sentani Airport

04 Jan 2024

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The Integrated Command Post Service for Christmas Transport for 16 (Sixteen) days, namely from 19 December 2023 to 03 January 2024, officially closed today (4/1) at Sentani Airport.

Stakeholder Relations Manager at Sentani Airport, Surya Eka, explained that based on the evaluation results, the implementation period of the Nataru post had run smoothly, orderly, safely and conducively.

The closing of the Command Post was attended by the TNI, Polri, Region X Airport Authority, Perum LPPNPI, BMKG, Airlines Leaders; Ground Handling and CIQ and Basarnas representatives
"Judging from the data from the Integrated Post at Sentani Airport, the cumulative during the (16) sixteen day post period from 19 December 2023 to 3 January 2024 for passengers has reached 93,996 passengers, up 4.6%, while flight traffic fell -10.4% percent, namely 2,092 flights," said Surya.

Based on data during the integrated post for Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024, Sentani Airport has served 93,996 passengers or an increase of 4.6% from last year and 2,092 for flights or a decrease of -10.4% while for cargo 6,229,404 kg an increase of 6.6% from last year. The peak departure flow occurred on (D-2 Christmas) 23 December 2023, namely 7,604 passengers and the peak of return flow occurred (H+2 Christmas) 3 January 2024 with 5,900 passengers.
A decrease in the number of aircraft served, however, there was an increase in terms of passengers and cargo. This was related to an increase in load factor or occupancy level of 78.5%. added Surya
Meanwhile, the first favorite destination for passengers is TImika, second is Wamena and third is Makasar. The first most cargo destination was Wamena, second was Oksibil and Yahukimo, said Surya